The Great Challenges

Made in Holland(?): Hoogovens IJmuiden/Tata Steel
Students of The Great Challenges specialisation ventured on a field trip to Tata Steel this week. The Dutch word for it, ‘schoolreisje’, makes it sound like we are back in preschool again, but this time our coach was filled with post-adolescents and even some actual adults. After some very minor delays we caught our first…
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Podcast with Wolfgang Streeck: The Return of Capitalism
The podcast can be found both on iTunes and Soundcloud. The interview has been recorded as part of the bachelor course ‘Thinking about Capitalism: From Adam Smith to Thomas Piketty’. The essay below does not repeat or summarise the content of the podcast. Rather, it puts the work of Wolfgang Streeck and the podcast in…
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Happy New Year!
All the best wishes for 2018! On the 8th of December The Great Challenges specialisation package went on an excursion to the Hague. We visited the Scientific Council for Governmental Policy where Arthur van Riel told us about the work he does there as an economic historian. We then visited the National Archives and…
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Start of a new year
The start of the new academic year is drawing ever closer and slowly Utrecht is filling up with students and university employees again. The absence of many Utrechters is most noticeable in the summer months when the bike jams at various bottlenecks shrink dramatically in size but now the exchange students are very much in evidence,…
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